

Titles are available for preview through web streaming. To preview titles please call our customer service at 1-800-221-9788 with your list of titles and we will provide web streaming.
You may also email us your preview needs to We will contact you to confirm your preview needs and send a link for web streaming.


As all titles are available for preview online there are no refunds offered after purchase. We suggest previewing titles before purchased to determine suitability for your classroom, library or educational needs. Any items damaged in transit or found defective from 5 years after purchase are replaced at no charge.


Order in confidence. All films comes with a 5 year scratch and playability guarantee. Any title you purchase should it become unplayable up to 5 years after purchase for whatever reason will be replaced at no charge. As well all titles are available for preview online. To preview call customer service at 1-800-221-9788 with a list of titles. Previews are then made available to you.